Buy private cheat CROOKED for game CoD: Modern Warfare 3 on X-CHEATS.COM

Only on the X-CHEATS.COM website you can find the best private cheat CROOKED for CoD: Modern Warfare 3 with a guarantee and at a low price, we provide full customer support and guarantee a full refund.

Review cheat CROOKED on CoD: Modern Warfare 3

Buy private cheat CROOKED for CoD: Modern Warfare 3


Required OS Windows 10 или 11 (PRO)

Processor: AMD / INTEL

Window mode: Windowless / Frameless

Status: Undetected

Built-in spoofer: No

Required Flash: No

Add Modules: Not specified

Screenshots cheat CROOKED на CoD: Modern Warfare 3

Information and Purchase cheat CROOKED on CoD: Modern Warfare 3

We recommend this one cheat!

We bring to your attention a unique product CROOKED for an online game CoD: Modern Warfare 3, developer cheat CROOKED paid great attention to bypassing anti-cheat protection in the game CoD: Modern Warfare 3, which allows you to keep you from being blocked in the game for a long time CoD: Modern Warfare 3. The developer also paid not a little attention to the functionality of the product CROOKED for the game CoD: Modern Warfare 3, most of the functions work stably without errors and have no reason to block the game. In any case, if it is possible to purchase a product for a minimum period, we recommend that you purchase it for a minimum period and then if the product meets your expectations, purchase it for a long time. Happy shopping!

At the moment, this cheat has the status: Undetected

Before buying, please familiarize yourself with A return guarantee.
We take full responsibility for refunds in case of malfunction!

Only visible - Только видимые противники
Friends - Друзья
Name - Имя
Line - Линия
Health - Здоровье
Box 2D - Отображение 2Д боксов
Distance - Расстояние
Skeleton - Скелет
Size line skeleton - Размер линии скелета
Skeleton draw distance - Дистанция отображения скелета
Additional distance - Дополнительная дистанция
Draw distance - Дистанция отрисовки
Weapons - Оружие
Armor plate / Armor heavy - Броня / Тяжелая броня
Ammo - Боеприпасы
Tactical gear - Тактическое снаряжение
Combat gear - Боевое снаряжение
Money - Деньги
Survival kit (Defibrillator, Gas mask) - Набор выживания (Дефибриллятор, Противогаз)
Containers (Backpack, Bag, Crate, ...) - Контейнеры (Рюкзак, Сумка, Ящик, ...)
Kill streak - Серия убийств
Field modification - Модификация поля боя
Keys & keycards - Ключи и карты доступа
Draw distance - Дистанция отображения

Enable aimbot (Danger) - Включить автоприцел (Опасность)
Recoil compensation - Компенсация отдачи
Aim at bots - Прицеливаться на ботов
Aim at knocked players - Прицеливаться на поверженных игроков
Visibility check - Проверка видимости (учет стен)
Aim priority - Приоритет прицеливания
Distance - Дистанция
Crosshair - Прицел
Smooth (more > faster) - Плавность (больше > быстрее)
Smoothness when blocking (more > faster) - Плавность при блокировании (больше > быстрее)
Acceleration (more > faster) - Ускорение (больше > быстрее)
Draw fov circle - Отображение круга FoV
Fov - Угол обзора
Distance - Дистанция
Draw aim area - Отображение зоны прицеливания
Aim area radius - Радиус зоны прицеливания
Bones selection - Выбор костей
Head - Голова
Neck - Шея
Left elbow - Левый локоть
Right elbow - Правый локоть
Body - Тело
Pelvis - Таз
Left knee - Левое колено
Right knee - Правое колено
Bone change time - Время смены кости
Key selection - Выбор клавиши

Draw active explosives, field modifications - Отображение активных взрывчатых веществ и модификаций поля боя
Distance - Дистанция
ByPass OBS запись экрана
Friends color - Цвет друзей
Enemy bots color - Цвет вражеских ботов
Enemy players color - Цвет вражеских игроков
Knocked enemies color - Цвет поверженных врагов
Enemy visible color - Цвет видимых врагов
Target color - Цвет цели
Weapons color - Цвет оружия
Armor plate / Armor heavy color - Цвет брони / Тяжелой брони
Ammo color - Цвет боеприпасов
Tactical gear color - Цвет тактического снаряжения
Combat gear color - Цвет боевого снаряжения
Money color - Цвет денег
Survival kit color - Цвет набора выживания
Containers color - Цвет контейнеров
Kill streak color - Цвет серии убийств
Field modification color - Цвет модификации поля боя
Keys & keycards color - Цвет ключей и карт доступа
Key to disable loot - Клавиша отключения отображения лута
Open menu key - Клавиша открытия меню

After payment, you will receive an activation key and instructions for launching to the specified email address.

Evaluate the product and make it better!

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Only we always have only safe programs without viruses and warriors.
We have been working with buyers of private cheats since 2022.
We will always help you in setting up and installing the program or PC.
Low price
We do not inflate our prices and try to keep more customers.


X-CHEATS.COM is an online store that includes 265 private cheats, 10 spoofers and 56 categories of different games, we sell private products to simplify the game for you and your allies.

We are engaged in the sale of private cheats with technical support and advice, for payment most often we use the website , where you can always contact their support with a complaint about our store or seller.

Rarely, but still sometimes developers provide us with free keys in order for us to play them to you in our Discord channel

We provide you with the opportunity to return the money in the event that the developer's cheat does not work correctly or interferes with your gameplay.

More than one seller will not be able to provide you with a 100% guarantee that you will not get blocked, we recommend buying cheats only from us, products must have the status undetected.

In some countries, the use of cheats is illegal, but in most countries, the use of cheats it is not prohibited, before making a purchase, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with your legislation.

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